Copy [in red]
Fort Davis, Texas March 14" 1885
Adjutant General Department of Texas
In compliance with instructions of the Department Commander of the 24 ultimo, an copy of extract from report of Captain Robert G. Smither 10" Cavalry, and, copies of endorsements commenting thereon, I have the honor to state that after a full personal investigation, as directed, I have failed to find any evidence to show that Captain Smithers made statements in the report referred to, which, cannot be substantiated, and had the Commissary General been fully aware of all the facts bearing upon the case, now so, clearly shown by the papers herewith enclosed, he would probably have given praise, instead of censure, to a very worthy Officer. It is true that Captain Smiter, might have been more, careful, and discreet in the choice of words, and in a miler manner manifester