
From Newberry Transcribe
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if my ask thee whether he did see in h . Mark the Ascendent, when the Question is asked. If then thou fynd ♄ in the Ascendent tell him that he did see in his dreame religious persons, frers Heremetes or places of Prayer. Yf ♂ be in the Ascendent

, theeves, murthereres, 

and Battailes. Yf ☉. then Gardens Trees wth fruit, Gold, or a king. Yf ♀. then he did see a faire virgin or eating and drinking; or one lying wth a woman; or playing or walking: or or red garments Yf ☿. then he did see handsome and

men reasoning or pallaces 

decked wth Curtains or rich hangings or clothes, or bookes, or writings,