
From Newberry Transcribe
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A Water to heal a Sore First wash the sore with plantain Water Then take a quart of running water 2. Spoonfulls of English Hony, half an ouncz of white Sugar 1 ounce of Roche Allom, half a handful of Isope [=hyssop] , halfe a handfull of Plantain leaves with 7 or 8 leaves of groud Ivy: Boile it until th[?]e half be consumed, then strayne it and mash {amendment: wash} the sore thewith and by Gods help it will heale it.

Pro fluxu renium Seeth yarrow leaves in Posset ale putting in the powder of a nutmeg drink it warm every morning and Evening first and last drinking not before nor after for an houre.

Pro spasmo Write on a piece of parchment as much as will goe about your leg in the gartering place theis words folowing + Gut + Gut + Egut + Gebaut [+] weare it on your bare leg, and it witll help you. / pro fluxu renium Take on {amendment: an} egg poched reare filled with a nutmeg grated.

{amendments: hello@herbalheritage.co.uk}