that view had more still farther West, to the Eastern edge of the Staked Plains, they were six days ahead of Custer when he turned back, and his party has been living on horse flesh alone for two days when they started to return.
There must be about 800 India [strike] lodges of Indians out there with just about one fighting man to a lodge. Altho' the Cheyennes are in a country new to them, the Quahade Comanches with whom they are allied, have long lived there and knew every foot of it. Of course this places matters in a very different shape - Gen'l. Sheridan has not idea of letter the matter drop because the Indians are in Reynolds [strike] Canby's Territory, but will cross the Texas line without any hesitation. A squadron of the 7th Cavalry went out yesterday morning to make sure of Little Raven's band of Arapahoes, and prevent any of the Indians here from going West.