I arranged myself in my royal purple, (made out of my old cashmere cloak) with trimming of burnished steel star-centres, a linen collar and a bit of red ribbon and pin at my throat, And a string of peral white agate pearls Entwined about my braids and curls. And si I was fixed, only "snore"! I thought I;d have to go straight to the store, to get a smart pocket-handkerchief, To 'tend to my great, large, big, nose with! But I found one JJ thought would do, and so I doused on the "O, dy, Co-log-ny" like everything, and unclear Chandler and I. Rhoda and Eva was in Berlin. We got along bravely a spell, when first I knew we went "Kerthop ker Thouthe" night into a big snow drige, ker ching". Well, and so there 'twas, and what was to be done, factorum I did'nt know. But Chandler got our and took soundings them come back and took the horse out.