In the fore noon I went out on a forageing expedition. I found wild plums sweet potatoes onions and apples there was six of us and we had a first rate drummer, at night we got about one gallon of milk. If we had milk for coffee and to drink but night came with torments in the shape of musketoes. I thought that I had seen them before but never anything to equal that night it is a covered bridge it rained all night which drove them inside and I don not believe that one of the boys slept 10 minutes at a time all night, beside I was almost crazy with an ear ache. The company lacks 25 men of being full they talk of giving the second lieutenant to get the men, if so our commissioned oficers will throw up, and vote again for Captain and first lieutenant. The Sargents are first Levi Davis second Hobson from Green county third J Hearn fourth M. Gregory fifth Druigins from Missouri. The corporals have not yet been appointed. We are not regularly messed off yet although I have my mess picked them out they are L. Davis. H. Whipple P. Stanton