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They are Massachusetts people. Mrs Murray a native of Bostonm Educated at the Bradford Academy where Mary Hatch went one year. They resided in Chicago till last autumn. Then built a house on a farm he owns here and moved here. Mr Murray was civil engineer on the Michigan Central Railroad for some time. Is aquainted some, with Judge Niles and Mr. Hannah of Laporte. Afterwards was in a store in Chicago, is now a land ageent - I believe. Their house is well furnished and they seem to be good nice people. Mary has a very nice piano and plays very well indeed. They have a great many books several nice paintings in gilt frames, a Brussells carpet and a large stuffed rocking chair like yours, and other things to correspond They live one side of my school-house and Mr. Bailey's family the other. Mr. Bailey's family were from Danvill Ill. Last autumn. I've spent one night with them and called several times. Jennie has a piano and plays very well - And you know I enjoy music ever so much, we sing in school when ever I can find time. I only teach five days in the week. So you see I have every Saturday for my own use - Three Saturdays I have been to Chicago Once I went with Mr. Rexford to see about books &c. And once i went to meet Charles. He went in from La Porte on an Excursion trip, but it did'nt pass here - so he wrote me he was going and wanted I should meet him there. So I did, we had a nice visit. Took dinner at the Adams house close by the depot you know, after dinner I did a little shopping then we went down to the Central Park to see the skating. They had a Grand Carnival that afternoon led by a band of music. Enjoyed it ever so much. Then Charles came back here with me at night and we spend the Sabbath together, had a fire by ourselves and could talk over all we wished to. He had been very well for him all winter. But he took some cold that day in Chicago, down to the Skating park and I had rather a bad night Sunday night but was better in the morning, he left at 7 o'clock Monday morning on the Michigan Central. I enjoyed the visit, oh! so much! Last Saturday i went into Chicago in the morning and spent Saturday and Sunday with the family where I stopped last autumn when I was there. Sunday I attended the Congregational Church with them, and the Sabbath school in the afternoon. That I enjoyed very much indeed and returned here Sunday evening. There is no church in this place. There is {one two in Blue Island four miles from here, but I have no opportunity of attending. They are Baptist & Orthldox churches I think - I have attended one funeral here, a young man from Danville the same night and in the same car that I came in here Jan 3rd to visit at Mr. Baileys, was taken sick the next day, and never again went out of the house. He died in four weeks after he arrived. I attended his funeral - I have not heard from Warwick since I came here. I have not written. I'm going to write soon. I received $7,00 in your letter, which with the $3,00 you gave me when I left make $10,00 I have received of the amount Chandler sent. You must give each the little boys a kiss from Auntie Mary. I hope you will write often. I would like very uch to have Eddie go to school, but he is not quite old enough. But I hope you will not neglect to instruct him, and make him advance as fast as his mind and body will allow. I'm glad to hear Winnie is improving so fast Dear little boys Auntie Mary loves them dearly