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in the breast of that devoted and gifted divine. Thankfully we have been blessed with smooth roads generally and driving slow I have had a good chance to amuse myself with reading. After leaving Elyria we travelled through woods all day occasionally coming to a small place where it was cleared and a small village. Came 19(?) miles put up for the night in Eldridge Huron County Wednesday the 20th very hard rain this morning but we being well sheltered from the rain continues our journey passed through Marwalk after riding through the woods six miles where the road was so narrow that we could just pass through it is a handsome place some very good buildings in it. stopped at noon in the village of Maxville Crossed the Huron River New Haven 4 miles from Maxville stopped for the night - good entertainment. Thursday that 1st very pleasant continued our journey corssed the corner of a large prairie perfectly level our road lay through a swamp now and then a log but 23 miles to the first village. Bacyrus the road so bad that we can hardly get along I am almost discourged(discouraged) we have to double the teams and go as well as we can in this dreary wilderness. After travelling 10 miles over one of the worst of roads we stopped in the down of Anbarn to a private house the first framed house we have seen since we left New Haven we hear that the roads are as bad before us as behind