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verge of the horizon we rode till nearly sundown occasionally getting out and running along the beach where the banks were low when we put up for the night the house stood on the bank of the Lake it was delightfully situated and we saw the sun for the first time go down in the waters. Teusday the 19 Continued our route along the shore of the lake losing sight of it occasionally by going directly across it small capes? and then it would come again abruptly to veiw and as far as the could on one side would be seen nothing but a clear blue expanse of waters which seemed to reach to the heavens to scene was beautiful I though of my dear brothers & sisters and wished that they were with me to enjoy the scene. Crossed Cattaraugus Bridge 11 miles from our stopping place it is about 40 rods from the mouth of the creek where it empties into the lake this difference in the colour of the water is great - that of the creek is the colour of our common water and that of the lake a sea green the water of the lake appears sometimes blue and green. Halted at noon at Silver Creek harbour 3 miles from the bridge. After 2 hours stop we proceeded over one of the best roads I ever travelled in the morning the road was the worst I ever saw came through Fredonia 2 miles from Silvercreek it is a