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4 waited within Province, fixty day beyond the time appointed for opening the treat. ~ "Brother - We have now expressed our opinion of the proper mode off fueling the difference - as between you & the U.S. - But as your Nation have desired answers to certain questions previous to our meeting, & we are dispored to act with fraukuefs & sincerity, we will give an explicit answer to the great question you have now proposed to us. But before we do this, we think it necessary to look back to foure former transactions; & we desire you patiently to hear us. ~ "Brothers - We do know very well, that at the treat of Fort Stanwix, 25 years age, the river Ohio was agreed on as the boundary line between you & the white people of the British Colonies. And we all know that about fewer years after that boundary was fixed, as quarrel broke out between your father, the King of G.B & the people of those Colonies, which are now the U.S. - This quarrel warended by the treat of peace made with the King about ten years ago, by which the Great Lake & the waters which unite them were by him declared to be the boundaries of the U.S. ~ "Brothers - Peace having been they made between the King of G. B & the U.S., if remained to make peace between them & the Indian Nation who had taken part with the King. For this purpose Commissioners were appointed, who lent mepages to all there Indian Nations, inviting them to come & make peace. The first treat was held about 9 years ago at Fort Stanwix, with the Six Nations; which has stood firm & inviolated to this day. The next treaty was made about ninety days after, at Fort mcMutosle with the Half King and the Wyandots baps. Pike & the other chiefs in behalf of the Wyandot, Elsware, Ottawa & Chippewa Nations. Afterwards treaties were made with divers Indian Nations, South of the Ohio River; & the next treaty ws made with Kakiapilathy, here present & other Shawanoe chiefs, in behalf of the Shawanoe nation, as the mouth of the Great miami which runes into the Ohio. - "Brother, - The commissioners who conducted there treaties in behalf of the U.S. sent the papers containing them to the great council of the States, who, supposing them satisfactory to the nations treated with, procceded to dispose of large tracts of the lands thereby ceded; & a great number of people removed from other parts of the U.S. & settled upon them - Also many families of your antient father, the French came over the great water and settled upon a part of some lands. "Brothers - After some time it appeared that a number of people in your nations were dissatisfied with the treaties of Fort McIntosh & Miami. Therefore the Great Council of the U.S. appointed Gov Hlair their commissioner with full powers for the purpose of removing all causes of controversy, regulating trade & settling boundaries between the Indian Nations in the Northern department of the U.S. - He accordingly sent messages inviting all the Nations concerned to enact him a Council Fire which he kindles at the falls of Muskingum. While he was waiting for them, some mischief happened at the place, & the fires was put out. So he kindled a Council fire at For Harwar, where near six hundred Indians of different Nations, attiuded the Six Nations then renewed & confirmed the treaty of Fort Stanwix; & the Wyandots & Deawares renewed & confirmed the treaty of For McIntosh. Some Ottawas, Chippawas, Patta=