or reduced as he orders. The officer that run last night has just come after his sword and over coat, he paid Baker one dollar for his trouble. He has a perfect whiped dog countanance. He said that he did not know that the fatigue men went back to work again, he thought they went to camp. A prety officer he, [previous four words underlined] after John Dolbee style. By the way we have heard from him through some of the 32 boys that used to know him they saw him at Grand Gulf. He told them he was on detatched service that he had been in six big battles with out ever receiving a scratch. We have once more got out tents after being with out them for upwards of six weeks. The weather for the last three of four days has been delightfully cool and pleasant, we had a good rain which laid the dust, and cooled the air wonderfully. I am in good health, and am getting fat again, since we have stoped marching. Love to all the family From your Affectionate Brother C. W. Colby P. S. You need not send any paper or envelops for the present