in the hot sun from 8 till 10 oclock I was released and that ended my first turn at guard duty. Our daily rotine runs something like this fireing of a six pound gun at sunrise for calling the rool breakfast at seven. cleaning streets till eight. Oficers drill eight till nine. company drill 9 -11 1/2. dinner at 12. company drill 2- 3. dress parade from 5 - 6. Big gun fired at 6 1/2 for calling the rool. Supper at 7. Taps at 9 when all lights must be put out and loud talk and singing dispensed with. From dark till 9 oclock is a noisey time in camp. They gather in groups to play cards and sing songs. John Brown seems to be a particular favorite of all the troops, the Star spangled banner and Dixie also are great favorites.