Our Regt. is being paid off Already five Companies have been paid and ours will come in a few moments. They are paying but four months, and if I get any (which is very uncertain) I shall send some home. I am still gaining my strength and getting rid of my Diarrhaea slowly but surely. Still have my draw backs as when at home The Dr. excuses me from drill with that exception I do all my duty. Give my kindest regards to Mrs. Hull and Fanny and say to them that their Ketchup, and canned fruit recd. the highest recomendations of my mess, for its being of superior quality. Its coming in a barron country where no delicacies can be had, made it a great rareity. The Christmas box that was for the boys they did not get untill New Years but then it was joyfully recd. Every body gave me a warm reception back to the Regt. and I was equaly pleased to join them again. Give my love to all family conections, and lots of kises to my dear Motherless Neases and Nephews I remain your truly loving Brother Carl