10 Their Games. One of their most Common games is with small? reeds, whereof there must be 81, and of those they? take up some by hazard, & they that have seven or elevens winn. They sit sometimes whole days & nights at this game, and have an Indian by them to light their pipes, or to fetch them water to drink. They play away sometimes all they have: only what they lose in money, if it be payed in skins or money? or Inglish goods the winner allows double the value more for it than if he were to buy it. Sometimes they play away their wives & children who become slaves to the Winner, sometimes they play away themselves to be slaves, which they do thus. First they play away their feet, then their Legs, so forward till they come to their head: Before they Lose that, they may redeeme the other parts, with less than when they have wholly lost themselves, & playd away their whole body; for then they must be slaves unless they can procure from their freinds some more considerable summe for their Ransom; They use to pawn their Arms or legs &c for some certain Summe. They use divers other Games besides this, as Runing, then ye prize is hung upon a tree & it is his who comes first & takes it down. They use wrestling also, which they do, All naked, except a flap before their privities. Anoyr Game is with a crooked stick & a Ball made of Leather stufft with haire: He winns that drives it from ye other between two trees appointed for ye Goal.