The undernamed General & Field Officers are now approved & will in due time be commis- ioned to Command the mounted volunteers of Kentucky in the interim. I hereby authorize & request them, or a mojority of the in conjunc- tion with his Excellency Governor Shelby - who will please to preside to nominate for my approbation? 18 Captains, 18 Lieutenants and 18 Cornels? to raise & command the respective troops or companies - to hold themselves in readiness to march at a given period, which will be announced at a proper Season to? serve for two months if not sooner discharge? from unclear Ohio Major General Charles Scott Inspector & Adjutant General - Gen'l Harrison Brig'r Gen'l Tho's Kennedy\Robert Todd Brig'r Gen'l Lieut't{ Tho's Barbee\W'm Bussell }Lieut Colonels colonels{ John Adair\Horatio Hall? } Majors { John Caldwell\Wm Price } Majors { Sam'l Wells\Jno Abannion? } { -- Brown\Jno Grant } { -- Whitley\Cornelias Beatty } { Wm Rannan\ South side of Kentucky\North side of Kentucky