No. 2 Quartermaster General's Office, Property Division, Washington, D. C., Sept. 28th, 1865. To Lt. Ed Mclean, Louisville, Ky. Sir: Your return of Quartermaster's Stores as Lt. 110th CUS Inf & AAQM, for the month of April, 1865, has been received, and when examined will be sent to the Third Auditor of the Treasury for settlement, of which you will be duly notified. Your attention is called to the following named paper, which must be furnished before an examination of your accounts can be made: Duplicate Form 23, Property Return, Abstract , Voucher . By order of the Quartermaster General: Very Respectfully, [illegible] Col. Qr. Master's Dept. Note. - Reply to be marked Book of Accounts, and addressed to the Quartermaster General.