New York, June 18, 1877 Dear Mother,
I went with Mary to see Dr. Houghton, Saturday and he gave me electricity—when I first went there I could not hear his watch tick when pressed against my ear, but after taking that I could hear it held 1/2 an inch off. He thought by that it might be worth while to give it a trial when he shall have returned to the city after his summer vacation. He invited us to called again Saturday if I return this way and he could tell better about the effect of ganvanism on me. We were shopping almost all day and so I failed to write. I have not got what I need yet and must go again this A.M. Mary had to get her a suit (overskirt & polonais) she had to get it changed some to fit.
in margins: all could share with us—Mary 1-2 lbs of butter fish and pickled them Saturday—there is just one fish left—we also got one large lettuce head (2 cts.)? 3? baskets of strawberries (3 cts. each) one loafd of bread (6 cts) and there is none left for summer?! I think if I come back I'll take some pickled fish and berries home will you have any thing else? I saw nice pine apples 4 for a quarter Sat eve. about 11 P.M.—We both send love I hope you will not try to take lunch for meeting, or get very tired. Jennie Everett