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territory. Actually, I'm not as sore at him as I am at another so-called journalist, a guy called Walter Guzzardi, Jr. who does what he can to belittle the book in the Nov. 9 issue of the Sat. Review without openly attacking it. Yet my friends tell me that the review gives a good general impression of the book. The review is riddled with factual errors but that didn't seem to bother anyone.

  Next time you write, please refresh my memory

about Hargett. I can't find his name in any of your other letters. Is he the student at Burimgingham- Southern who wrote a Master's thesis on that Southern trip of yours and Gowan's? I wouldn't be able to deal with the subject in detail but I would like to give a clearer and more accurate picture than the one Aarons has in his WRITERS OF THE LEFT, which, disgracefully enough, overlooks the Writers' Project. If I'm not mistaken, you wrote about the Southern trip for the NM or the DW. If I had the date of that material...

   The publication of the new book and a suddenly

bad back has taken up too much of my time for a month. Now I must get back to the Writers' Project

project with zeal and determination.  I called Balch

in New York on Tuesday fifteen times and never got an answer. But I'm returning there next week and will keep on trying. I may get to see Saul Levitt and I'll try Milton Lomask, and I'm having dinner with Alan Lomax.

     Let me know what happens at the Rabinowitz

Foundation. Had I realized that they might be reluctant because of your age, I would have stressed your vim and vitality.

              I think I'll swear off television for four

years, so I won't have to look at Tricky Dicky, the square boyscout with the angles. By the way, "Red" Cranston is an old buddy of mine, who later became a World Federalist. As long as he beat Rafferty, I'll forgive him for that.

                                             written  Salute,

I'm scheduled to be on Bob Cromie's show on Jan. 18, written Morrow says. That means I'll be in Chicago for about a week in Jan.!

written in left-hand margin P.S. I thought you'd like to see this rapturous appreciation of Crowe? which appeared in today's New York Times. It's a honey--