From Newberry Transcribe
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To all Christian people to Whom these presents shall Come—greeting—know ye that we William Roberts of Middletown in the County of Hartford + Colony of Connecticut in New-England and Susanna His wife for the Consideration of four pounds money to us in hand paid by Seth Wetmore of Middletown aforesaid: Do give Grant Bargain sell make over and Confirm unto him the said Seth Wetmore His heirs + all the Right. Tythe interest share and—proportion that we or either of us have or aught or in Time Being shall have in the Common and undivided land on the east side of the Grate River in Middletown aforesaid for that the said susanna is Daughter to Samuell Collings late of said Middletown deceased which sd Samuell Collings was the only son of his father Samuell Collings formerly of {Unclear} said Middletown deceased who was one of the ancient proprietors or any other wayes whatsoever. To Have and To Hold the said Granted + Bargained {Unclear} with all the {privilege?} and opportunities there Belonging or any waye appertaining unto him the said Seth Wtmore his heirs and