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With 3 married children living within 15 minutes of home base (Carol's) there are 12 of us when I am down there. My little great-grandaughter, Jenny, is 1 year old this month, and, there will be a new baby in March in one of the other families. Carol has done real well since Bob's death. She and the 3 kids took a 10 day bus tour through the Southland ending in Disney World this Spring. Those 3 children as of October will be boy 11, & 2 girls 14 and 17. She took over Bob's second job as a church caretaker, about 4 blocks from home.

     Merry Ann is going back to college, start-

ing Monday. She will be taking data processing, accounting and computer process- ing. She wants to get into the business world like all of her girl friends since their children are grown. She would never go back to teaching - Chicago schools are such a hassle. Here is a case of poor Carol dreadingunderlined to ever have to find a fill time job, and Merry Ann anxious to get out there and fight. Mom & Carol & I always stayed home after we were married - so did Merry Ann for that matter.

   It is a beautiful, sunny day here, temp.

60 degrees this a.m. Wishing you and the rest of the family all the best.


P.S. Have just finished reading Phyliss Whitney's "The Stone Bull," also 2 Creasy - the Baron books