(Upside down- Bill Green will come next home we see her, I hope Elizabeth and you will try not to be uneasy about her, if she does improve she had better stay there a little longer Jane and I had just written to her and sent off before we got hers. Jane and Sarah have been making Eddie a vest and pants and Elin and I another pants, Jane and Sarah have finished theirs and Lewis Jane and children gone to fenmy ny of this evening it is very wet weather here it is quite wet to night last night thundered and lightened and rained for 3 or 4 hours had a letter from your father this eve from unclearDelphane he was to start there 3 A.M. yesterday morning to go for Gen Co herd meeting there to day and start tomorrow morning 3 AM and be in Chicago to preach tomorrow eve and on to RAcine against the sabbah, he will call at your uncle in coming back from WisI will write to you again when I hear from Mary, Mother