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typed letter in black pen new arrow pointing to Miller Box 175 in pencil Miller, Charles H.

                                                                                                 Turners Falls Mass 01376                                 [1982]
                                                                                                                                        18 May underlined

Dear Jack,

                brace yer Moberly bones for

this yere voice from Depression depths: none other than Traven-trysting Chollie who remembers you well & longs to be- holdyour dissolute mug. Cheers!

It seems to me, that you in your Mis- souri gloury failed to answer one of my bi-annual letters in the last decade or so,& so plunged me into a Sluff of Dess- pond (modern spelling) so that correspondence dropped deader'n we have.

Anyhow, two bits of news: I released myself from Bob Giroux's converted claws and am now in Scrib's sroogy ones: a shorter better AUDEN: AN AMERICAN FRIENDSHIP may be in your clever clutches by year's end; Chas. Scribner's Sons. Jacques Barzun 'discovered' me, enroute to the nth edi- torial arthur-trap and got me to sign on. Or maybe sign up. Who knows.

Enclosed is some extra toilet or twilight paper from Times Queer, formerly Sqaure, re prosthesis (who wrote the thesis on it?). I writhed w/glee concerning the 'penile implants' and writhed on with the 'inflatable implant' with buttons that He or She can press to get it up into a (get this!) 'controllable erection.' Both parties receive satisfaction, or your money back! Press the third button down for the juice to squirt onward. Imag- ine what the children of such a union will be, with their own buttons. Ah, Prograa typed over the ess.

No doubt you have funnier implant props available in juicy Moberly, but I do the best I can.

                          written in black ink  Love! -
                                                           implant & all -
                                                           from Charlie