From Newberry Transcribe
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high railroad trestle. I got Mary Vernon to take me down there in her car one day and reconnected? the place but there is no other way of getting that view. It is a terribly out of the way place to get to by road and it looked like a nest of bootleggers. I went scouting for old picture frames in Baltimore Saturday and ended up way out in Northwest Baltimore. I got two big frames for 1.25. They are built in sections so I can take them apart and make form frames of them. I thought it was quite a long aim. My garden is a joy to the eye and also the stomach. I wish you could see it and eat some of the big red strawberries. An opera about the Mississippi sounds gran and I think you have a real composer in Louis Greenberg. The Emperor James music was great. It is strange but the Middle West seems to have been written