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2 underlined: ADDENDA

    Prolix as I am, I frequently can recall things I might have said but didn't - after mailing letters, so, having caught this one in time will say that I actually listened to All that Tricky Dick had to say on the night of April 30, when he was supposed to reveal all.  Anyone familiar with his tricks 'way back would know that he didn't or wouldn't reveal all.  I usually avoid his talks, but this time I listened and later told several people I know that he told us nothing new.  I grated as you undoubtedly did, when he finished with the "God Bless You All, God Bless America," yet I knew that many Americans can't get enough of it.  I remember one of those snake oil peddler-types selling some kind of junk to the migrant fruit worker types on the Skid Road of Sacramento, who would say to every ignorant purchaser, "God Bless You."  On the S. P. we used to go up the Sacramento Valley out of Roseville (the site of a recent large explosion), passing Marysville on the way.   Marysville, another town where fruit pickers congregate, is where many of the murder victims came from.  On the way up to the division point of Gerber I noticed some oast -1943 - houses (the kind I had wanted you to see that day in Kent, but which are almost extinct now, many converted at great cost to homes), and naturally, saw hop fields.  I wrote to my wife then to tell her, as we hadn't moved from our flat at 6010 Union Ave.,  just a few blocks from Green Street.
      I meant also to speak re your views as to the arrogance of Jews, and as it's most difficult to speak to Jews on Jewish questions - except to agree with underlined: their attitudes, I rarely mention my views to anyone.  When I used to hear the Jews speak about their "homeland" at the little cottage-school which the Ben Reitman-Max Olay group used on Sunday nights, I wondered if the Jews would find Palestine tenable, surrounded with Arab states on all sides.  This cottage, I should have said, was located on the east side of California Ave. about one block north of Division Street, the bldg. torn down a number of years ago.  apparently the Arabs, even with Russian help, are no match for the Israelis.  American Jews aren't too much liked in England I found, largely because of their bad manners.  A steward in the first-class section of the steamer United States, in which I returned home in 1966, told me that when the ship would go into cruise service in winter he would stay in NY, as tips or no tips, he was unable to stand the insolence of so many Jews.  He was English.  These Jews behave that way to one another, don't regard it as  bad manners.  I attended on of those Monte Randall evenings at 32 W. Randolph Street (known as the Masonic Temple bldg. then), where the Jewish problem was to be debated between a well-known Jew and a little Arab, possibly a fugitive from the rug dept. of some downtown store.   The meeting simply seethed with rumbling Jews, this being a week or so after the Jews had won the war -1947- and were beginning to establish Israel.  After a number of Jews had spoken feverishly (how else?),  Dave Tullman got up to speak.  He said he just knew that the 12th Street merchants would all be going to Palestine, but Tullman was going to remain in America, where the box car doors were open for free travel, etc.  Thereafter certain Jews referred to him as "that box car feller."  The Cosmic Kid attended the meeting as a spectator.  If he had spoken he'd have ben crushed along with the little Arab, who only spoke briefly as a rep. from the Arab League.  I was glad to get out of the place, though a few responsible types kept the meeting under control.  Monte did well -$$$- that night.  On the street outside I met Ted Morēn (a big man of Swedish descent, looked like a plain clothesman).  This was a Saturday night, a pretty good night even then for open forums, though all have by this time disappeared with exception of the Lake Shore Speakers' Club, who meet Wednesdays  near Mich. Ave. and Chicago Ave.  Morēn asked me what I was doing downtown, so I told him I'd been to a discussion about the Jewish problem.  Morēn (pron. "More Rain") said "I've known for a long time what the Jewish problem is - it's high blood pressure." Moren was and had been for years bedding down with a Jewish woman of possibly 60 years of age, whom he visited twice weekly on the north side, though he lived near Jackson Park with his bachelor brother.  Before he died he married the Jewish woman.  He dropped dead in front of their TV set one night just a few months after marriage.  Did you know that on the Whitechapel Road in London grateful Jews a long time ago erected a statue to Oliver Cromwell?  He admitted them to England again after long banishment.  I once read a play, THE KING'S JEWRY, about the banishment.  "Old Jewry" was the English equivalent of a ghetto (much ill-used word today, as the ancient ghettos were a place where Jews were restricted and confined.)  One will see some of those ill-mannered Jews simply spoiling fo a punch in the nose, but in general, aside from that cheap flattery so common to the merchant type, English Jews are more polite.  I'm sure Dave Tullman doesn't feel too much at home with them, and I know he is not very polite with them.  By the way, he's been sending me money lately (20 pounds in recent months), money I never expected to get back from gifts to him over the years, as while I know he's no angel, he was victimized by the Nixon-

[hand-written notes in the margins]] Do you remember the news photo showing Stassen apologizing to Ike? Sub titled underlined: Picture of a Man Eating Crow gave my wife a big laugh. Nixon looked like that Apr 30 Tullman never asked for $$: (Monte R. exploited Jews - a goy exploiting the Chosen People). Cosmic always contended the Balfour Declaration was vague re the promised homeland, therefore Jews hadn't been promised the area they claimed, he argued. arrow pointing to section of second paragraph about Arabs no match for Israelis