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Image in upper left-hand corner of inverted pentagon with letters MaFLA on top of white image of Massachusetts on black background

                                                                                           Massachusetts Foreign Language Association
                                                                                            ... the Medium for Foreign Language Action all but the and for capital letters underlined

OFFICERS written in blue ink and grumbling

                                                              about the weather, so

Presidentitalics This year we're doing it 261 Carroll Street JOY KENJILIAN-BURGY without hyperbole ! - New Bedford, Mass Wellesley College Keep your reviews coming. 02740 First Vice-Presidentitalics I enjoy reading them! - FRAN LANOUETTE Warm, best regards- Reading Memorial High School Mel 7 May 87 Second Vice-Presidentitalics ________________ CHARLES FINN Hingham High School written in black ink Dear Friend Jack- Secretaryitalics MARQELLA I. ARENAS (1989) How far are you - in hours ad Miles - American International College from St. Louis ? I'd love to know as Treasureritalics my niece Jessica will be attending BESS M. HARRINGTON (1989) Washington University in the fall, and Monson Jr./Sr. High School it will be nice to have friends in Past Presidentitalics the region. (She is from New Jersey, and KATHLEEEN N. RIORDAN is a beautiful and lovely young lady.) Springfield Public Schools Do you yourself ever get to St. Louis ______________________ to visit - or lecture?

                                                              Cindy and I will be leaving for

DIRECTORS Japan in a few days, and should be

                                                              back home around the 24th of May.

ROBERT E. COURCHESNE (1986) As you already realize, we have been Martinson Junior High School directing a number of exchange groups Marshfied with Japanese (university) students, so DOREEN J. MEEKER (1986) the desire to go to the Orient has been Milton High School getting stronger and stronger with the JOYCE G. SAGER (1986) passing of time... Have you ever been Minnechaug Regional High School there, Jack? CLAIRE J. KRAMSCH (1987) written in blue ink We have had an inordinate amount of Massachusetts Institute of Technology rainy, cool days this spring; however, today KAREN R. MORRIS (1987) is just perfect. In any event, one of the Wellesley High School favorite pastimes of New Englanders is grousing SHIRLEY LOWE (1988) Wayland Junior High School JOSEPH SCOTT (1988) Middlesex School, Concord GEORG STEINMEYER (1988) Amherst Regional High School MEL YOKEN (1988) Southeastern Massachusetts University JENNIE M. CELONA (1989) Worcester State College MICHAEL G. METHOT (1989) Franklin High School MARIAN B. ST. ONGE (1989) Boston College


MARY-ANNE VETTERLING Editor, MaFLA Newsletteritalics

          MaFLA Bulletinitalics


  Membership Chairperson
  Lee High School