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tease her a bit & she was already fed up with my "hunor" & blew her then-young top. But our relationship survived that, to this very day. By the way, Chicken is 13 pounds lighter now, by doctor's orders, than when the picture was taken a year ago. Unfortunately, it didn't all come off the right places.

  We've been making cider now & then during the past

week. Twelve gallons so far. We have a hand-powered cider press which can do 3 gallons per load. The apples are Astrachans -- early & tart. But the cider is good. I'll raise a glass of it in your honor and

                                Wish you the best,

P.S. I enjoyed the Post-Dispatch article & the photos very much too. The picture of you in the 30's reminds me of your description of your father in The Disinheritedunderlined. Greetings to Gladys -- we wish we'd had a chance to meet her.
