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typed letter west summer. I hope you didn't suffer too much from weather. Recently I was thinking of picking up and going overseas to live, which I should have done two years ago, but listened to my son, who seemed to feel quite distressed at my plans, Maybe I can make it in the coming year. My daughter says she's been advised once again by another doctor to have repairs made to her heart, damaged through rheumatic fever as a child, and may have this work done in a few months, so when I go around with her I take cabs quite a lot, though her heart seems to compensate alright. yet doctors say a heart failure can occur with overstrain. She has to hold down a job (luckily, it's an office job and pays fairly well) as she's divorced from a jerk who gets by without paying even for child support.

     In my usual prolix style I'd like to write more fully,

especially about the Watergate matter. We're lucky to get the whole hearings at night on channel 11, starting at 7 P.M., when we don't have time to watch the daytime showings all the way through.

    Machiavelli could take lessons from Tricky Dick, but

Jesus! What people the general run of Americans are to elect the people they've been doing for so long.

  Well, the laundryman knocks, so will write more

fully soon, this being a warning!!

                                   written in blue ink Mead

written in blue ink, underlined P.S.

                                                      I hate Watergate, with
                                                      its exposure of the
                                                      spying over a quarter
                                                      of a century, will bring
                                                      some benefits to us.