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typed letter 21 4 stroked out and 1 written instead Feb 1974 Jack oboy oboy:

      Will so do write to Olafson - he promised to send me  long

letter once he got established in his new abode. I guess he didnt want to involve himself in letter-writting ? Sounds like quite a hassle to get DECEMBER out. Why South Korea, surely some spots in USA could do it just as cheap ? West Virginia or Louisiana ? Chrise, they got slave labor too.

     Was good to see WIR on shelf in Alexandria Library - they DID

buy it and put it out for public circulation. Be interesting to know WHO read it. Reactions, et cetera ? Like a Studs Terkel in- terview. Dee Brown said you got good reviews in Chicago press.

   The NY Times Book Review of Feb 17 was missing when I went

to liberry. They do have Podoretz book, MAKING IT, but I am sick of reading about Jews who made it and their slinky ways to make it. I am fed up with Zionists and their supporters - I am fed up with JEWS. They make my flesh crawl. If they put them all in a crema- torium tomorrow I would not lose a night's sleep - I might merely observe that the action was a little late and good riddance. I can honestly say that I can not think of a good Jew in Alexandria. Of course in Alexandria they are either lawyers or shopkeepers - there is an exception, a lawyer who was a Green Beret in Viet Nam, and who takes civil rights cases, but he is hardly a Jew is he ?

written in black ink Never seen Wobbly newspaper - where from, Chicago ? Send me copy or Xerox review - I'll reimburse youse for the cost -- if any.

                                                                     Cheers, & stuff,
                                                                            Jack II.
underlinedP.S.  Review of Dream & Deal in 

American Heritage - you see it? Jerre says Avon bringing out paperback in spring. Hard cover not selling.