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typed letter No word from Jarrboe Ackerson - he must be back from France where his card said he was reliving his "student" days - such an awful scribble I am surprised the postman knew where to deliver it - Grant Code wrote me a note in longhand recently and it was all I could do t decipher it - I wrote back and asked him to please type the next letter and hope I didn't bruise his feelings - most poets bruise easy. He said he had enough poems for another book so I gave him address of Thos. Yoseloff (A S Barnes Co) who published Murrell Edmunds last book of verse - didn't Murrell Edmunds have a story in The Anvil ? I am lost for a market since the NEWS was gobbled up by the Washington STAR - and I don't think I could write articles that would please the STAR - they are fuddy-duddy it seems to me - I tried them once and ended up the article they rejected appeared in The News - I also tried them with some color photos and got those back. I am anything but an ESTABLISH- MENT or FAMILY NEWSPAPER writer - I favor the back alleys, winos, bar flies and corner bums - my last piece submitted to The News was of winos drinking Sterno on the river bank and dropping dead from their efforts - straining Sterno thru a loaf of bread and mixing it with water. Some lived, but a few died. Are there any LITTLE MAGAZINES around now ? If so, what and where  ? I've lost track.

This muggy hot humidity wears me down - Grant wrote that New York was also humid and hot - I imagine the smog is worse there - it was at the danger level here for a few days this summer - worse in Mary- land than here - a few factories and more cars in Maryland I think. I took bus to Washington one day last month and you could see the smog screening the buildings about half way up in Washington as we crossed the Potomac - like a thin grey fog.

Had a card from Dee Brown in Oklahoma - Dee wondered if that wasnt my WW II camping ground - which it was with its dust storms and 110 degree heat and the Oakies like the rednecks down South, agin the blacks, the Jews, and the Indians, not always in that order. But they cooked good cornbread and catfish, and they played a lot of dominos like the folks in Utah - I think they gambled somehow with the dominoes but I am not sure. Instead of billiard parlors there were domino parlors. Do they play dominoes in Missouri, or toss horseshoes and play checkers?

written No word from Judy Bunyan Rayford - last heard he was chanting to the Unitarians for $75.00 a chanting. He said it was 50.00 but they liked him enough to throw in extra 25. How did Unitarians get into Alabama, via Underground RR?

                                                                                                                   JCR .