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Jack Conroy 8-8-89 Dear Ray & Chucky: Such a fun letter to read. Jack definitely enjoyed it as I did. He loves so to get your letters. Jack is not doing well right now I had to report. I am really concerned about him. Things happen & then he seems to pull out of it and I say I wish I hadn't mentioned it but it seems each bout is a little harder for him to pull out of. Jack has suffered another stroke - this one leaving him unable to speak at all plus other problems such as bleeding. He is in the hospital. They are giving him I.V.'s & such which causes me to shudder. Having him hooked up to all that stuff - I wonder - anyway they are doing their best to help him. I go to see him everyday and I do seem to see a slight improvement but it could be my imagination. Anyway - I will keep you informed. Hope you both are well and enjoying life. Please keep writing to Jack! Sincerely Carolee 8-9-89 P.S. - Had to operate on him today. Had to take his rt. leg off. Tonight is resting well but had a rough day. God Love Him Carolee Hazlet 212 Crest Dr. Moberly, Mo. 65270