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Saturday - p.m. Jack I:

    Sent under seperate [sic] cover some dirty magazines - The underlined:  Wash. Free Press I gather, is a sort of collector's item, but I didnt hold on to any - on account of their hassle with Judge Pugh in Maryland - you hold on to your's - might pay off in later years, after you're dead and gone, you rascal you.  Judge Pugh wants to "suppress the free press" - he once had arrested a news vendor for selling Miller's "Tropic of Cancer," but a higher court threw the case out as being unConstitutional - so, with Free Press - the Judge hasn't a leg or peg, to stand on.  Still the Free Press is a curiosity and an example of the age we live in - the Wash. underlined: STAR said the cartoon of Judge Pugh in underlined:  Wash. Free Press was underlined: obscene - I disagree, it is crude & badly drawn, but it is not underlined:  obscene - it is merely a poor drawing.  So - you may judge, if and when you receive the magazine.  I see Ackerson has a book of poems on the press - I hope they are well received by critics.

Jack II.