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talking about one of his recent books. This one being called "Hard Times." About the great depression days. Most interesting to hear people talk about those times. Studs mentioned the writers project. (Remember that back in 1936-1937) They also talked of the W.P.A - P.W.A and the C.C.C. camps. Can't forget the N.RA Guess I'm getting old Jack. Frank Coughlin (Sunny) was over to see us last Saturday. He is a policeman has made Sargent and is going for a step higher if he passes the tests. Frank is married some six years now and has a little baby girl. Mrs Coughlin died about 18 months ago and Mr. died last Feb. so the two boys Frank and Richard are alone. Richard is still single. living alone, same apt. he and his dad shared. Our son Helmut turned 24 last May 10th He works for Trans World Airlines too Only at the Air Freight Terminal. April 15th last I had part of my