[Image 1 of 2]
[Plain faded white paper handwritten in blue ink]
["TERKEL" handwritten in red pencil in the upper right corner.]
Dear Jack:
A magnificent protest to WENR - it was forwarded to me. Got about 300 letters - there were 70 phone calls when Eug'ene came on - 69 pro-Terkel. The other was a personal friend of Eug'ene's. I think he wears BLUE pajamas, too.
Am starting a new radio show Aug. [August] 4 - WENR - 11:30 PM-1:00 AM - "Sound of the City." Will try to keep it good. Heard great reports about your appearance on WFMT.
My best to family -
Studs -
[TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: A search of the Studs Terkel online archives at https://studsterkel.wfmt.com/program-search?query=eugene&sort_by=title&sort_order=DESC reveals that the person referenced in this letter may be Eug'ene Ionesco who Studs interviewed several times over the years . . . Studs used the accented 'e both times when referring to him.]