postcard postmark LOUISVILLE, KY 1A 1 30 PM 11 DEC 1963 950 So. 47th St., Louisville, Ky. 40211
Mr & Mrs. Jack Conroy 14626 Millard Ave. MIDLOTHIAN ILLINOIS
SEASON'S GREETINGS loved Norway, Denmark, Sweden in July; a mediterranean Black Sea cruise in May ("The Future" is splendid without bill-boards); Ireland, Scotland at Easter; Rome in spite of crowds last Xmas. i go to central Illinois to my dad for Xmas & H. goes to his mother in St. Petersburg, Florida. Hope yours is nice. H. has been snowed under with a heavy schedule & I with one class & a house, car & yard calling for repairs after a year's neglect. Even one of the Siameses is deteriorating in his teeth. Take care, Love, Lucille