postcard McSORLEY'S OLD ALE HOUSE 15 EAST 7TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY (Bet. Second & Third Aves.) A Landmark of Old New York Since 1854 this famous Old Ale House has been known for its fine home cooked food and excellent Ale served to a world-wide male clientele. P.S. "Meet me in McSorley's." postmark CHICAGO ILL DEC 12 7 30 PM 1949
Francyne LeS. Walsh 245 Clinton St. Oak Park Ill
You irksome little tart, how often must I tell You not to send your damned mash notes to my home? You know damn well the only times I ever call on you are times when I'm too drunk to realize what I'm doing. You seem to have forgotten that the truso is not for me. It was my Xmas present to you - so shove it. underlined: SINCERELY - Donna