postcard The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge by sticker bridge in the World. This $77,000.000 by sticker 8 ½ miles in length. Six lanes of automa covered by sticker upper deck, three auto truck lanes and [[covered by sticker] occupy the lower level. The main span covered by sticker long and the width of the bridge is 58 feecovered by sticker
written in pencil above message BOB STEWART
postmark SAN FRANCISCO CALIF 8095 AUG 31 4 - PM
Dear Jack = I was glad to get your card - and to know the novel is as far as a publisher = I came up here to see my brother - who was critically ill at Letterman Hospital. He died Tuesday morning = I am in no shape to write a letter now but will do so from Carmel where I will be for the next 3 weeks - as ever - Bob
Jack Conroy 6012 So. Green St Chicago - 21 Ill