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in view of these facts neither the temporary embarrassment to interests and [friends?] that I love [crossed out- which may be occasioned by my withdrawal from Hartford, much as I deplore it, and] nor the intrinsic importance of the work there in hand and in prospect could [crossed out: countervail not therfor] countervail the larger claim upon life's [crossed out- largest] utmost service and best work. Obedience to the [unclear?] call of an opportunity. [crossed out- Loyalty to the cause]. [crossed out-for service ] such as has never come to me before nor is ever likely to open to me again along exactly [lines?] of work in wh. I am most interested for [ wh.?] all my past experiences [unclear] me to be best adapted is demanded of me at whatever cost of normal feeling or temporary embarrassment. And I can only say that it is yielded by the very loyalty to the cause which has kept me in Evangelistic work for Hartford all these years that has brought me & has held me until now in a service for the [unclear]. [cross out unclear]