in pencil in top margin [1973]
underlined Saxton 223 South Barrington Av. Los Angeles Calif 90040.
Sunday Dec 23. Dear Jack & Gladys.
Thanks for the card and it was good to hear from you as always. Yes - we do miss Sausalito & the Bay Area; and Los Angeles is hard to take sometimes. We have just spent a week in Lone Pine - a little town on the east slope of the Sierra, under Mt. Whitney - a lovely area just between the desert & the mountain. Still ?s...gless?, though I don't know for how long I'm delighted to hear about the anthology and sent in an order at once. But which is the publisher - Lawrence Hill - or ? Publishers Group? - I sent the order to Hill. I will pass the brochures around. Got a few more? And when is publication date? I will suggest reviewing it for the underlined: Nation &/or underlined: Labor History, though it may already have been assigned by both those journals by this time. I will look to the chapter in underlined: Pop Culture. Love to you both - Trudy & Alex.