11-14-74 Dear Jack Sage of Moberly
Your pornographic picture with the girl wrapping her 4 unclear words tree arrived. "By God, I bet he could have." How are you and Madam ? ? When I arrived home last August Bob Mac Cullough was here ( ? inland ? nearby) He asked me who wrote the aphorism on the side of my refrigerator. I asked "what aphorism?" "And I looked. Sure enough in a drunken moment of sheer truth I had scribbled and forgotten months before: "Nielson A. Green: the Nixon of Proletarian writers" I must have been drunk. I don't see things that clearly when I'm sober. But Chris does. She was watching TV yesterday and pointed to Yasar Arafat on the screen and said: "That looks like Nielson!" Same eyes and bags under, and same jowls. I looked and sure sure enough. Do you suppose when he left the ? Puerto Rican triangle without leaving a forwarding address he went to the United Nations as surrogate Palistinian leader/terrorist?