From Newberry Transcribe
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I wish you could see all the things I have. The little shirts and bands are especially cunning. Max enjoys them quite as much as I do and we gloat over them together semi-occasionally. Your letter just came, Mummie. Thank you so much for the sweet blossoms. I love the smell of them. I have some in my bag and another set in my letter box. These I shall put in my handkerchief box. They make fine sachet perfume well, for the daughter and heiress(and I think it will be one). I am still hesitating between Elizabeth and Althea. I like both of those names–not necessarily on account of their connection with me, but because they are musical and go well with "Moore". You spoke in your last letter about Mrs. Spink's advice against a hospital confinement. I am still undecided in the matter. Mrs. Baker expects to be confined at Michael