Canonsburgh. The Preparatory dept. and Freshman class here, with a Scientific and Mathematical dept, Modern languages, and an Agricultural school, if they can get a grant of land form the legislature. There is to be one board of trustees, and one endowment fund. Dr. Beattie of Steubenville has given them fifty thousand dollars, and a Mrs. Brown? twenty-five thousand. It is to be called "Washington + Jefferson." The people here generally seem satisfied with the arrangement. Little Rose is trying hard to talk, she can say, Mama, pretty, + a few such little words, and is as sweet and good as ever. Nannie's baby improves in appearance, and is very bright. Tell the children I wish they could have Aunt Jane and Christmas both. My heart is with you, if my bodily presence is not. I find no other family of children that I would like to live[underlined] with. Much love to Jule, and all the darlings. Yours aff, Jane.