Our captain is just a splendid man and is also a pious man. One of the Company speaking to him in regard to prayer-meetings, he told him, that if every member of the company would do as he (Capt) did, there would be no need of prayer-meetings (remarking at the same time that he prayed every morning-noon- and night three times a day. You see then that we have for our Capt a thorough military man, and also a christian man. You remember the talk about electing our officers. We have had some experience, and now we can judge. The Capt. 1st, 3rd, 4th [Lieutenants?] and [Stevens?] the orderly sergeant are good officers. But Baxter, the 2nd Luit is not worth a row of pins.
Have Sarah tell Henry [illegible] that I have had a letter written