handwritten in top margin: Copy
Mr. Marshall Field V Publisher, Chicago Daily News, Chicago, Illinois
Dear Sir:
As a reader of the Daily News since the year 1910, I clipping covers text a
complaint concerning the shortage of copies of our newspclipping covers text and early evening in the Ravenswood district of Chicago on clipping covers text inst., also, the fact that I was unable to obtain a copy of that clipping covers text a trip especially to buy the paper at your company's public clipping covers text North Wabash Ave, yesterday (Tuesday), January 4.
News vendors at the "L" newstand and at the corner of clipping covers text Road
told me that supplies of your paper were doled out to them clipping covers text , no doubt due to a decision made by someone on your staff.
Particuclipping covers text, the supplement PANORAMA is of especial interest to me for several
reasons, clipping covers textno fault of my own I've had to do without this last issue, and I forgoclipping covers textsly, the news vendors, also your public service office told clipping covers textple had asked for and were unable to buy the issue.
clipping covers textfor your interest in this matter, I am,
Respectfully yours, F.B. Mead (address above)
P.S. Many unsatisfactory experiences with neighborhood delivery services over a long period of time make it necessary for me to buy the paper from newsstands.