pencilled note in top margin: Embree, Charles
19 June 1977 Dear Jack:
Loved "The Morphadite." My only complaint is the usual one: the piece came to an end too soon, leaving me wanting more. You really catch Moberly. I am fascinated by the fact that the town changed so little between your generation and mine. I mean, I had the same experiences you did generally and often specifically. My friends and I too wondered about "Morphodites," and our reasonings had the same twists and turns as yours and your friends! Within the phenomenon called regional culture I wonder if there existed in those days a narrower strictly local culture which passed down from generation to generation. I wonder if us Moberly boys don't have shared experiences different even from, say, Columbia boys. Hope this finds you and Gladys well. Nothing very interesting has been happening at this end, which is why I have been unusually mum.
Best, C.B. note in red ink beside initials: Embree