Jan 19 '50 Thurs
Dear Jack: We've other plans which won't re-arrange easily that will keep us away from your literary come-all-ye this Sat. However I do want to be represented to the tune of $2.50 - not for the poetry (I only read meta-physical verse - e.g. Conroy, Coleridge, Joseph F. Gould) - but for any pamphlets on the horrors of drinking or smoking you may see fit to give out amongst the intellectuals present. Here are some AA statistics from Ireland to gladden your heart: Dublin groups - 140 Belfast - 30 to 40 Limerick - 5 Cork - 3 as of Jan 15, 1950. Ireland's total AA - about 180.) Don't forget Feb 19 3PM - at our place. And bring Gooch - and Rev. Algren - the reformed junker. - fraternally - Joe Diggles