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a pleasant task. I enjoyed myself so much at Remsen that I frequently find myself looking forward to the time when I may have such a pleasure again. Tell Sarah that it will be all right about the concert and no regrets if she will only let me come to the ?.

  The eventful ride after the singing school is always a source of internal laughter and after all the mischief it is fun to think of it. 
  But I must make haste to answer questions and attend to business for Milton is already hurrying me.
  I bought my dress at Wilcox & Elsbee's? 15 1/2 yds at $1.00 per yard I paid for but found the dress nearly half cotton and falling short nearly 1/2 yard. Lizzie J was with me. She went home yesterday and took the dress and I shall hear today what success she has in getting the money back or