met at her lunch club, and Molly crossed out: did kept the accounts and ^grappled with social crossed out Work issues. Lunching with Polly one day at that famous crossed out: club rendez-vous for the impecunious revolutionaries of the 1920s, we were joined by Anzia Yezierska. "Anzia has had two books published," Polly explained "She wrote 'Salome of the Tenements' and 'Hungry Hearts' and we're hoping that the publishers are going to sell the movie rights to Salome. The two of you must have a lot in common." I did not think so, but several days later Polly said that Anzia crossed out: had beenwanted me to coach her in English composition and offered to pay crossed out: me a dollar or two an hour for these services. The lessons were irregular and unscheduled. Foaming a little at the corners of her mouth, Anzia would pound on my door when least I felt like earning a living. "Turn on the tap! The devil's in me. Let's go out for a walk." And as we walked she would ^clutch pick some phrase out of what I was saying and, steadying a wad of yellow paper against a nearby