owned the land on which the mill and the town were built. The offices, the post office, general store, hotel, churches, ^schools and residences were built as they were required. &The doctor was engaged ^& paid by the Company and his home and offices were supplied; it was his duty to take care of everybody who needed him and his work included everything from crossed out: the delivering crossed out: of babies to traumatic surgery. I believe I remember that in cases of emergency volunteers were called up from the more talented members of the community to administer chloroform or ether, hold retractors or sterilize instruments. At the end of the day, the Doctor was apt to drop in ^at our house to report on the sick list and take a hand at bridge. In that way, the sick and the injured were the concern of everybody, and visits with offerings were part of the social obligations.
The Old World was ^broadly well represented on the
census of our village although the responsible posts were ^chiefly occupied by men with English names.