Capt, Hart the 2nd street merchant (as the boys call him black Hart) is here selling goods in connection with the Sutter; such as Potatoes & Onions four dollars per bush, or 5 cts a piece, butter, 40 cts per pd, Cheese, 80 cts, Eggs, 40 cts Tobacco chewers say that Tobacco is [65?] cts a chew. And others things in proportions. Our officers seem to feel quite confident that we shall soon be paid. We muster for pay tomorrow or at the end of every two months, As hot weather is coming on, I want to get me a hat, and as there is no chance to buy one here, I thought it best to send to you to get it if Capt. O will take the trouble to bring it. [Wm?] [illegible] just aim to tell me that the Captain was going to bring him a small Box, and that by seeing his folks, they would pack it in it, Suit your own taste in regard to purchasing it, and I will be satisfied