Mother went to the carlton fair one day this fall but did not get to see [franie?] as I had [hopeted?] she [hinks?] it so strange she has lived so near her so long and never saw her I saw [franie?] at the picknick last sumer that being the first time I had saw her for four years she hardly new me I had grown so much and chainged to she spoke very friendly and [encuired?] about you Mary wants to now if you are having winter down their we have had too snoes here and pretty hard freezing [Wll?] Ed as it is geting late and I cant think of anny thin to write I will close by sending my love to you please rite soon. I want you to write me as I avery anxious to get a [later?] from you I think I will [got?] a new pen before I try to write aymore for I fear you will not have patience to read this pleas excuse all mistakes as this is my first atmmpt at leter writeing and Fanny and mother bothers me all the time laughing and talking